ADJACENT | ISSUE 10: ecoscope
An interactive identity and website for an online media journal whose content concentrates on nature, technology, and humanity.
Javascript, HTML, CSS, Three.js, Cargo CollectiveLive website:
Website and zine design for Adjacent issue 10, a celebration on ITP community and meditations on nature, humanity and technnology.
Adjacent issue 10, Ecoscope, explores the fine line between nature and technology, and their intimate relationship with humanity. Each essay takes a close look at one very small piece of this everything-verse we are intimately wedged in, like a scope. The range in topics exhibits the breadth of this tripartite intersection: interspecies art-making, microbial archiving, snails, camouflage, keyboards, nesting, bugs, the notes app, and collective joy.
The main visual of this issue is a bubble built in Three.js. It represents a lens, a perspective, a gaze at our core topic that is covered by a wide variety of interpretations.
The bubble’s movement is mapped to the scrolling activity of the user, so one’s perspective on the object changes as they scroll through the website.
Customized fonts for essays
To accomodate the everything-verse, we selected a dedicated font for each article, reflecting the nature of the essay. Upon user’s mouse hovering the title, the preview text appears as well as the designed title.
Customized fonts in hover effects.
Printed Zine
In celebration of issue 10, we made a community-centered zine, where we designed activties on the topic of nature, humanity and technology, and invited students and faculty to reflect upon.
The Adjacent zine is a love letter to community on the ITP floor through print and collage. After ITP and the world went hyper-digital in Covid years, we decided to make something more hi-touch than hi-tech. We wanted this issue to reflect the ITP floor coming back to life, so this publication transformed into a medium for gathering. It is 32 pages of generative poetry, friendship, history, workshops, games, and more. The zine was printed for and distributed at the 2022 ITP Winter Show at 370 Jay Street.
The Adjacent zine
Spreads of the printed zine, content created by ITP/IMA community.
Managing Editor | Julia Margaret LuEditor | Sarah Elix, Shuang Cai, Zichen ‘Oliver’ Yuan, Max Chu
Designer | Tuan Huang, Neeti Sivakumar
Developer | Tuan Huang
Advisor | Nancy Hechinger